Against yourself / 自分に対して


This one will be fast, but just a thought:

We sometimes have goals on self-improvement. Maybe a new hobby to take up. A new challenge to try and face? A part of ourselves that we want to grow. It doesn’t really matter what it is, but what matters is that we don’t give up. It’s so hard to fight through lack of motivation, inspiration, and in some cases – the sense of embarrassment or shyness that comes with chasing our goals.

No matter how much we deny ourselves what we want or procrastinate and put things off, the sun will come up in the morning and the earth will keep spinning. You can either get up and chase your dreams starting now, or let time go by and tell yourself that you’re not wasting your own time just sitting there.

If you really want something, you don’t stop for anyone or anything until you get it. If you have your goals or your dreams, you have to just go for it. Time is ticking and in a year from now – if you didn’t get up and go for it when you could have – you’ll be stuck thinking what the “current” result could have been. Instead, you’ll be there, one year later having to start from zero. You might have already reached your goals – whatever they may be – had you just gotten up and went for that run or whatever it is.

Don’t regret wasting your own time.







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