The First Year / 最初の一年


It’s been a year already. The end of March marked my first year in Japan and outside of America. The main thing I can say from the experience is never let doubt stop you from taking an opportunity. I say that because I hesitated for a second before coming. I asked myself “what if I don’t enjoy it as much as I think I will?” I started to get nervous. I thought I’d be “safer” to not risk it. However, I said screw it and ignored the hesitant voice in my head. I told myself not to back out. Don’t give in to comfort. So I didn’t even talk about hesitation, worry, or doubt with anyone and just went for it. Best. Decision. Ever.

I still can’t believe I’m here and the experiences I’ve had thus far are nothing short of amazing.

When I first came to Japan, I was a bit confused, but also felt right at home. Knowing the language obviously helped me get through any obstacles, but besides that everyone was so nice. Then there’s the fact that convenience stores are actually convenient (you can get your food heated before you leave the store, so instant ramen is truly instant). Trains bring you everywhere and are 99.8% on time. My only major complaint so far is that it’s 100% humid in the summer. I melt. But eating ice cream and just enjoying myself helps so it’s not really a big deal.

As far as everything goes, this place is a must-visit. Going back to America permanently has not crossed my mind at all. Coming here was the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.

What I learned from it all is that you should take every new opportunity that presents itself. Especially if you find yourself thinking even a little that it will work out well. I think that people regret the actions they don’t take more than the actions they do. That goes for most things including new opportunities. I’m sure I would have regretted not coming to Japan a lot more than coming and not enjoying it. Every bit of my Japan experience has changed my view on a lot of things – including life. My friends have told me I’ve matured and handle myself a lot better emotionally, mentally, and as an adult (responsibilities and such). It could be that maturing was a necessity since I came abroad on my own, but it’s the result of my being here, I think.

I thought I would enjoy Japan a lot, but I didn’t expect to be as thankful to my environment as I am. I’ve never been more thankful to my own decision making. I’ve never been more thankful to my friends and family that have supported and continue to support my coming here. I started drumming, blogging (though I still don’t do it enough), challenging myself more, and being a lot more social than I used to be.

With that said, don’t ever let yourself give into hesitation or doubt. Just go for the new challenges and opportunities or you’ll regret the road not taken. There’s a lesson to be learned in every new decision whether it works out or not. Why not learn as much as possible?








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