Monotone View / 単調視点


Some people see life as having just black and white. Good or bad. If something bad happens, it’s the worst thing in the world and they let it become a part of them. They complain, play the victim card, blame others. Some people even start to use it as an excuse as to why they shouldn’t do something or they let it cause procrastination.

Why though?

This is just my opinion, but there is a lesson to be learned in every situation. The bad isn’t all bad. Of course there are exceptions, but there is usually a bright side. You’re still alive. You still have people who care about you. You still have your goals, hobbies, things that make you excited, keep you happy. On top of that, let’s say you’ve failed at something. It’s not the end of the world. It means there’s progress to be made. You can still improve! Isn’t that awesome? I personally try to find the bright side, no matter the situation. As I always say, if something doesn’t go as I want it to and I can’t change that, there is nothing to be done – I won’t worry about it. If I can do something to change that, I’ll work as hard as I can to do so – I won’t worry about it. There’s no bad in doing your best.

Now situations that are good, awesome, great, etc. Good on you. Maybe you accomplished your goal, you won a game, graduated, etc. The good goes beyond just being good! You can now set new goals to improve yourself. You can see your own progression in winning. You’re done with school and now on another journey through life. The excitement is real and there is always room to improve the situation by just looking forward to what’s next.

Life isn’t simple, but I think happiness is. It’s all in the thought process. Are you motivated enough to take on a positive perspective? Are you letting negativity drive you? Are you sitting in the bad without even trying to look around to see the good?

Let’s not get stuck thinking there is simply good or bad.

Life can always get better, but it starts within your mind.










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